Our solutions
Virtual Reality eLearning
Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology with the potential to truly transform the way we learn. By immersing employees in realistic and interactive virtual environments, VR can create more engaging and meaningful learning experiences than traditional methods.
Also read our detailed article in which we answer the question ‘What is Virtual Reality?‘.
Almost Real…
Make learning easy and meaningful for employees!
Look around, experience, and discover. With VR, it’s easy to immerse yourself in a situation.
If a location is hard to reach or it’s expensive to train with existing machines, VR is a cost-effective and efficient solution.
Visually appealing
With moving images and sound, and the ability to look around, you are transported into a world.
Risk reduction
If a location is dangerous or conditions are constantly changing, you can reduce risks by using VR as a training tool.
Want to know what VR can do for your case?
Creating awareness around undermining
As part of a larger eLearning programme, the animations were developed to briefly and concisely explain what undermining is and how the participant can recognise it. The illustrations make the abstract concept understandable for the participants and we find that after watching the animations, we can enter into the conversation about undermining in a much more focused way.
We will now also start using the animations outside eLearnings at the start of workshops to ensure that all participants start the session with the same basic knowledge.

Training on how to deal with domestic violence and
animal abuse
To impactfully introduce the topic to participants, we wanted an animation that gives insight into the experience of a child in a domestic violence situation.
The stylistic drawings combined with the actor’s voice and music convey the atmosphere and experience exactly as we envisioned. It makes the menace palpable! And that is necessary for participants to see the importance of the subject.

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