Why use eLearning?
eLearning is an ideal tool for efficiently transferring knowledge to students. If you want to train multiple people quickly and in parallel, eLearning offers an excellent solution. With eLearning (modules), you can easily select the relevant topics for your student, and upon completion, you immediately know what has been done or how well it has been performed.
So, eLearning sounds like an ideal tool for online training, but is it really? I’ll summarize the pros and cons for you.

4 major advantages of eLearning
- 24/7 availability of knowledge. Students have access to the learning environment at any time and from any location. This means students are no longer dependent on location- and time-bound courses or lessons, such as a training that is only given once a week.
- Gamification. By adding and applying game techniques to non-game environments, you motivate students to actively expand their knowledge. This makes the learning material more enjoyable and easier for the student to absorb.
- Clarity of progress. Since eLearning digitally tracks where the student has left off, it can be seen during and after completing the eLearning what the student is doing, how much progress has been made, and what results have been achieved.
- Student chooses their own pace. Besides being convenient for students to choose the time and place for completing an eLearning, it is also pleasant for them to determine the learning pace. Everyone learns at a different pace, and by allowing students to set their own pace with eLearning, it prevents them from overlooking or not properly absorbing information.
3 Major disadvantages of eLearning
eLearning now sounds like the perfect learning solution, but of course, there are also disadvantages. Or to put it better: risks. The following points can cause obstructions during the learning process:
- Less personal contact. With eLearning, you miss the personal contact between students and cannot learn from each other.
- Irrelevant information. There is also the risk that students go through an eLearning module with information that is not relevant to them. This can lead to disappointment, as a test may still need to be completed, but it also adds nothing new for the student. Irrelevant or unnecessary information is of no use to the student. Therefore, make sure the eLearning is tailored to your target audience.
- Too long and/or boring. Some eLearnings do not suit the student because, for example, the content and format do not meet the student’s expectations. An eLearning module that takes too long to complete can also cause frustration for the student.
Implementing eLearning for your business?
The advantages of eLearning generally outweigh the disadvantages, especially since the disadvantages can be effectively tackled by using the right tools.
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